So went the headline on the BBC NEWSBEAT page of their web site for 23rd
May 2013
It went on to say;
“A growing number of children are being
sexually abused by other children, say charities. They say their helplines have seen a big
increase in calls from young people who are being abused. freedom of information figures obtained by the NSPCC say
more than 5,000 children were reported to police in England
and Wales
as abusers over the last three years… Some of those reported were as young as
five. More than half of the offences were classified as serious and included
We encourage little girls to dress up in provocative
clothes. We use ‘celebrities’ as the
life-model we wish to follow, many of whom have dubious moral behaviours. TV before the watershed becomes ever more
explicit as we continually move the goal posts of what is acceptable, and we
continue to sexualise our primary school children with sex-education classes of a
yet more graphic nature. In some cases we even allow just-pubescent girls to go on the pill so that they can be safely sexualy active. Does it not occur to anyone that such allowances sanctions early sex amongst our children? We then become
shocked to read the headline concerning child-on-child sexual abuse. When did two and two stop making four? Why cannot the left hand see what the right
hand is doing? In part at least I put
the fault for this firmly at the door of the Christian church.

For me at least, it is without question that this
nation through consecutive political leaderships of all parties has wilfully and
increasingly turned its back on God. I believe the word “wilfully” is the most
damning word in that statement. Abortion, easy divorce, euthanasia,
sex-education in school, attempts to rewrite the basis for marriage…. All these and much more have been ways which an
increasingly decadent society led by increasingly liberal, immoral leaderships
over decades have led us to the place we are today. God is not mocked, and we think we can get
away with our current depravities – not so.
Like an incoming tide I expect the waves of God’s judgment
to increase year on year, whether that be financial brokenness or natural
disasters. There maybe brief respites to
allow us to reflect, the bible says: “(God)
is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to
repentance. “ (2Peter 3:9) but if we do not listen to God’s repeated
warnings we are indeed in big trouble.
Can the church
of Christ turn things
around in this country? Clearly that is a possibility under God’s divine
sovereignty. But will it? Now that is a different question. Given the increasingly
liberal and often divided stance taken by our denominations on a whole host of moral and social
issues I doubt whether frankly it has the back bone for the fight! It has been a long time since we had any true
‘leaders’; watchmen (and women) who speak up with power and conviction. Indeed I am not sure the church wants to even
hear them anyway! Into that vacum will step cheap champions. Remember, we have only
got where we are today because the church has not stood up and said, “thus far
and no further”. Martin Luther once famously said “Here I stand, I can do no
other”. It is not a sentiment which has found resonance in the heart of the
church in this country for many decades.
It all sounds rather depressing I know but frankly I cannot
see a solution to our dilemma. The odd ‘ark’ of refuge may appear as in recent stories
of revival at Cwmbran in Wales
but I would be surprised to see a national turn around.
My one ray of hope is that maybe, beyond our sight, God is
at work. I am heartened by God’s words to Elijah when he felt he was all alone
and there was no hope; “I reserve seven thousand in Israel —all
whose knees have not bowed down to Baal and all whose mouths have not kissed
him." (1 Kings 19:18) I pray that God’s “thousands” are being prepared
by him to rise up.